La Mer. Beyond the sea. Some where waitin’ for me. Yeah, that’s not quite how it goes.
La Mer. Beyond the sea. Some where waitin’ for me. Yeah, that’s not quite how it goes.
Fond memories of the sea shore now that it’s getting cold out.
Found the hermit crab on the beach in St. George. They’ll use almost anything for a shell. It turns out that they follow a fashion cycle just like us. As they grow, they get bigger shells. How they choose depends on supply. A few years ago there was a shortage of shells. Good for the shells’ owners. Bad for the hermit crab population. This year a spiky spiral shell was in abundance, so that’s what they were all wearing on St. George Island. Mine, however, shopped on Madison Avenue for her fine urchin skirt.
Sometimes you feel like you’ve sat somewhere so long you’ll grow barnacles. This ring makes that happen sooner. 3 conchs surround a dozen arthropods in resin.
The sea biscuit (not the horse, the shell) had the same problem as the pink umbonium shells — it floats. I came back to my resin 8 hours later to find the sea biscuit trying to escape. The red stuff was some sponge that washed ashore. It was velvety red when I found it. Drying in the sun, it got a little dull. The resin brought back the wet color.