No respectable 8bit graphics group would be complete without invaders!
I still see this icon every now and then when I make Photoshop work hard. Love the classic icons! This is another in a series of 8bit 10×10 grid designs that assemble like a puzzle. Stacks of shanks with individual pixels cut into the layers are interference fit through a bezel to form the icon.
Momma told you it wasn’t polite to point, but then computers came and ruin’d everything for which Emily Post stood. Oh, I could have ended the previous sentence in a preposition (i.e. “…stood for”). CURSORS!
Riffing on the idea behind attaching the ring shank to the bezel or faceplate discovered in previous rings like the Dice Rings, I constructed a grid of 10×10 “pixels” and then stacked 10 shanks that fit into the bezel like puzzle pieces to make the dark laser cut image.