Was wondering how many letters fit on a size 11 ring. It’s not the easiest ring to wear, but I might cast it in brass anyway. I’ll find the official spelling before I do. All the interweb’s spellings are something quite atrocious.
There’s that awkward period where kids discover privacy and feel like their parents are always looking at them. They say thinks like “OMG, you’re so hovering.” Never mind that parents usually just like their kids. If your kids say something like this, you can tell them to go do the Hoovering.
I had a Scottish roommate that would always do the “Hoovering” on Sunday. Folks in the UK tend to take a tool’s name and use it as a verb. It’s the lucky brand in America that becomes a Band-Aid, Kleenex, or Jell-O instead of the generic bandage, tissue, or gelatin. Americans like Googling, but Hoovering still hasn’t caught on.