This ring is the opposite of smooth and round. I named it after Steve Martin’s comedy album, Cruel Shoes. A quick Google images search reveals that the shoe idea is still going strong. Maybe Cruel Rings will catch on too.
This ring is the opposite of smooth and round. I named it after Steve Martin’s comedy album, Cruel Shoes. A quick Google images search reveals that the shoe idea is still going strong. Maybe Cruel Rings will catch on too.
It’s Spy vs Spy sized knives in a ring. It fits a size 11.5 finger quite nicely considering all the sticky-outy bits.
Hammering and forging can be so soothing sometimes. Bill Fretz has a whole series of hollow rings that you make with a hammer. My neighbors might not like this technique, but my frustrations sometimes do.
Made this heavy BronzClay ring assuming that I had understood what went wrong previously. The ambient temperature was 47F when I turned the kiln on (it’s cold at Resistor on the weekends), so I added 20 degrees and an hour to the regular program — kinda like baking a bigger bird. Well, it looked good out of the charcoal until I hit it with the brass brusher, or maybe I should say the brass crusher. I quenched it when the temperature was around 500F, so that little bit of moisture combined with the bronze powder to make mud in a thin metal shell.
Back to the drawing board on the kiln controller.
Had some more fun with tubing today. It’s kinda 70’s monumental minimalism meets your hand. I can imagine a hospital somewhere commissioned a sculpture like this for the lawn.